How to make a lease that protects


The contract should be legal – prevent illegal or unfair terms

Attention to deadlines, discriminatory clauses, etc. Consult a lawyer.
  • Clearly define parties to the contract and object of the same. Pay special attention to the correct definition of tenants.
  • Have the property documentation all date and accurate. For example, the license to use or energy certificate.
  • Always sign the contract in finance. Guarantees the robustness of the same before future defaults
  • Enter the contract for a periodical visits to the property and run them to go together with the use of the property
  • Clearly define the form of payment of rent
  • Where has some doubts enter the possibility of guarantors to the contract – accountability mechanism in case of breach of contract accelerates the resolution of non-compliance.
  • Garanta a alteração de titularidade dos serviços do imóvel (Water, Electricity, gas, communications). Protect yourself from unexpected and hassles in the future.

Hire a professional, used to manage lease agreements to protect.

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